11 years ago

Backroads: Millin' n Lochin'

Backroads: Millin' n Lochin'

Took a backroads trip with Kat Winsemius and made an outter half circle of Lexington for a total of ~90 miles.  It was amazing and full of adventure.   We started at Weisenberger  Mill and made our way across to the Kentucky River Loche located at Clay’s Ferry.  We had Max and Zoe with us and they had a blast.  We got our feet wet under a bridge, walked on a waterfall, hunted for rocks and other things, played fetch with the dogs, visited a castle and drove in the court yard drive only to be chased off by some grump of a aging man, checked out a burnt air liner, watched a jet plane land, jumped an eight foot fence, walked across a loche, traversed the whole way in an automobile, and took some ~400 pictures along the way.

During all the fun we took pictures of our dogs being cuties, my car, the mill, my car, the loche, my car, a few smiles, my car, and everything else we could, including my car.  Oh, did I mention I took some great photos of…  … my car?

Millin’ at Weisenberger Mill

2545 Weisenberger Mill Rd  Midway, KY 40347

Weisenberger Mill is located on the South Elkhorn Creek in southern Scott County, Kentucky. The creek has provided the water to power the mill’s twin turbines since the 1800’s. Six generations of Weisenbergers have operated the mill at the present location since 1865.
Learn more about the history of Weisenberger Mill

Click titles to view galleries.

>> The Mill, The Bridge, The Waterfall



>> Trespassin' and Lochin'
>> Dogone Fun Times
>> Subie Photos

This post was last modified on August 2, 2013 - learn more.

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Jarod Thornton

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