10 years ago

Playing Poker – My Winning Hand

Playing Poker – My Winning Hand

Many months have passed since I started the unconventional game of poker.  It is most proverbial in play but I wanted to use the analogy because it fits perfectly.  I started with my first winning hand gaining myself the reward of the pot.  It was a small gain.  I kept playing and decided to keep the best cards in my hand calling the bluff when seeing it before me.  My strategy was working!
I made it my first 30 days, nights and weekends.  Then came 90 days, still holding a winning hand.  As of last Sunday, November 24th, I reached the 180 day mark or six months.  My winnings increased and I still held a winning hand.  I have plans to continue the winning streak one game, one hand at a time knowing that I only need to make progress, that is, my game will never be perfect but improve with each win.
I use this analogy of poker because I know that if I loose my winning hand I will be gambling with my livelihood.  That would put me back at the start, where I was with the first hand.  It wouldn’t be the end of the world; loosing the hand.  However, it would be starting all over again and loosing my winning streak.  So I carry on, playing my hand one turn at a time.
Full House by Peter Griffin

This post was last modified on November 26, 2013 - learn more.

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Jarod Thornton

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