Optimal Engine Operation Temperature

I let my engine warm completely to operating temp before turning it off, even if my drive is six blocks – I will leave it running (locked of course) until it reaches optimal operating temp.
Why? I read about guys having problems with excessive moisture in their engine block and it causing a lot of wear and tear, not to mention mechanic repairs. I always thought it was due to worn gaskets letting moisture in until one day it dawned on me that all engines that start are typically cold and in the process of warming something up from cold to hot causes – condensation… Bad thing for an engine…
So, I started letting my cars warm up to operating temp so all the condensation is evaporated and re-condensed as it exits the tail pipe. This essentially lets the engine get to normal temp and that temp is hot enough to burn water into vapor and pushing it out of the block.
However, I never knew if this was 100% true.
There you have it.
Improve the longevity of your auto’s engine by allowing it to ALWAYS warm up to operating temp.
This post was last modified on January 11, 2015 - learn more.
Jarod Thornton
"I love working on WordPress development!"
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